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Florida Tree and Shrub Treatment

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Florida Termite Inspection and Control

Miami  Tampa  Orlando  Jacksonville  Fort Lauderdale  Saint Petersburg  Pensacola  Tallahassee  Pompano Beach  Gainesville 

Florida Home Security Systems

Miami  Tampa  Orlando  Jacksonville  Fort Lauderdale  Saint Petersburg  Pensacola  Tallahassee  Pompano Beach  Gainesville 

Florida Pest Control

Miami  Tampa  Orlando  Jacksonville  Fort Lauderdale  Saint Petersburg  Pensacola  Tallahassee  Pompano Beach  Gainesville 

Florida Electrician - General

Miami  Tampa  Orlando  Jacksonville  Fort Lauderdale  Saint Petersburg  Pensacola  Tallahassee  Pompano Beach  Gainesville 

Florida Maid Services

Miami  Tampa  Orlando  Jacksonville  Fort Lauderdale  Saint Petersburg  Pensacola  Tallahassee  Pompano Beach  Gainesville 

Florida Home Security

Miami  Tampa  Orlando  Jacksonville  Fort Lauderdale  Saint Petersburg  Pensacola  Tallahassee  Pompano Beach  Gainesville 

Home Services Articles

'Tis the season for home efficiency

As the cold weather and holidays approach, homeowners are preparing to spend more time indoors. Winter utility bills can get expensive, and in an economic climate as biting as the frost, consumers are watching every penny. From insulation, to appliances, to faucets, these upcoming months are an opportune time for homeowners to make their homes more efficient, reducing costs and the family's carbon footprint. More...

A Great-looking Lawn is in the Details

(ARA) - Do you want your lawn to be the envy of the neighborhood? You can’t do it with just a lawnmower. A string trimmer is probably the most versatile outdoor tool for your money and a key item to have in your shed. Before you purchase your next tool, you should consider the following tips from our experts. More...

Easy fixes for spring water stains

It happens every year. Months of wet winter weather followed by the spring thaw produce one of the most common household problems: water stains on ceilings and walls. More...

Getting to the root of grub problems

You water, fertilize and give your lawn all the TLC it needs, yet come late-summer you still find unsightly brown patches scattered across the turf. If the turf in these spots can easily be pulled away from the ground, you most likely have a grub problem. More...

How to efficiently cut costs and green your home

Many energy-efficient air conditioner models meet efficiency requirements for a federal energy tax credit when installed as part of a complete system; thanks to the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. More...

How to light up your summer nights

Starry evenings and backyard entertainment go hand-in-hand. When the sun goes down, the right landscape lighting can turn any backyard into a stylish outdoor living space. With so many options, it's easy to fill your nights with light to enhance security, decor and entertainment. More...

How to make outdoor living spaces as cool as indoors

Even through the dog days of summer, you can enjoy your outdoor living space by using outdoor versions of indoor comforts such as luxurious furnishings, decorative touches and even air conditioning. To prepare your outdoor living spaces for cool, comfortable and fun times, consider these outdoor updates. More...

How to take pest control and prevention into your own hands

Warm weather welcomes more than just outdoor barbecues, summer vacation and vegetable gardens - it brings back the pests that like to annoy us. Insect problems are more than just irritating - they can potentially pose serious risks. More...

Is your house ready for summer? Here's a first aid kit for spring fixes

Spring ushers in a slew of home repairs that are needed to get ready for summer activities. Whether it's a broken bird bath, a loose stone on a walkway, or a broken patio chair, there are some things you need to take care of before the warm weather arrives. More...

It's not over yet: Tips for getting through the rest of hurricane season

Hurricane season is well under way, and experts agree that the 35 million-plus Americans living in areas at risk of hurricane damage should keep their guard up - at least until the season ends at the end of November. More...

Keep fresh air flowing during dry winter months

Winter is the season for being cozy, while spending long days and nights inside the comfort of our tightly closed homes. It's also an infamous time for feeling dry and under-the-weather. More...

Lower summer cooling costs with a do-it-yourself project

When it comes to do-it-yourself projects that will save money on energy costs, many new products on the market make it possible to save hundreds of dollars over time, with just a few hours of easy installation. More...

Nine tips for the perfect kitchen remodel

For many Americans, remodeling their kitchens tops the list of home improvement projects - and for several good reasons. Not only is the kitchen the heart of many homes - the center of family activity and home entertaining - but remodeling your kitchen is typically one of the smartest investments, often generating a payback of 80 to 90 percent on the cost of remodel at the time of resale. More...

Pets and allergies don't have to go hand in paw

Pet owners are often torn between their love of Fido and Fluffy and the discomfort of stuffy noses and watery eyes. In fact, 15 percent of Americans are allergic to animals, and a whopping 11 million are allergic to cats alone, according to WebMD. Although those who suffer from severe allergies may not be able to own pets, mild allergy sufferers can take advantage of these tips and products at home to enjoy sneeze-free time with their furry friends. More...

Protect your produce - and the environment - with natural pest control

Gardening is good on so many levels, from the benefits of exercise in the outdoors and the opportunity to share special time with loved ones to having total control over the healthfulness of the vegetables you put on your family's plates. But gardening can also be frustrating and futile - if you fail to protect your produce from voracious wildlife. More...

Protect yourself in the online, social network community

More people than ever are taking part in social networking sites. Facebook alone has more than 500 million users, according to Facebook statistics. People have a lot to lose if the security of their social networking site is compromised. Their own personal, identifying information, and the information of all those they network with, could be at risk. More...

Save money with smart heating practices and weatherproofing

With the onset of cooler weather, people are starting to think about green - specifically, paying for heating bills and holiday expenses. A sure way to save green, as in money, is by making your home more energy efficient and space heating the rooms where you spend the most time instead of heating the entire house. More...

Spring cleaning to find hidden villains

Even if you don't think you have a mouse problem, you may. A recent government study found that four out of five American homes have detectable levels of mouse allergen. More...

Spring is in the air - get your home ready

There is nothing more exciting than that first warm day of spring when everyone feels enlivened and refreshed. It's time to bring the renewed energy inside and give your home the boost it needs after a long and tired winter. More...

Tax credits for homeowners that can be applied next year

It's not too soon to start thinking about next year's income tax filing season. And with some government tax incentives set to expire at year's end, savvy homeowners are planning today to save for tomorrow by taking advantage of tax credits that reward energy efficiency projects. More...

Turn up the fun and turn down the heat this summer

Families tend to escape the heat by spending more time indoors, so it's important to have your air conditioning system checked out now before the summer heat makes its grand entrance. More...

When it comes to home improvement, small projects pay off

Your home is your largest investment and no matter what the economic conditions, you don't want to cut corners on handyman service projects around the house. More...